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LYLC 2021


  • Conference will be June 22nd - June 27th, 2021


  • ​All incoming juniors through exiting high school seniors, 16-18 years of age are encouraged to apply.


  • ​Participants stay at the UNLV dorms for six days, and five nights.


  • All accommodations and conference materials are provided at NO COST to the student or their families.


  • Selected participants are expected to stay for the entire duration of the LYLC.


  • The parents of selected participants are encouraged to attend a parent orientation the Friday prior to the LYLC.


Application Guide

Below are questions and statements to help guide

the response portion of the application. This application is meant to be completed in one sitting. You will not be able to leave and come back where you left off. The estimated time to complete this application is 30 minutes.

What fictional character describes who you are and why?
We want to get a sense of who YOU are.
There is no right or wrong answer.
The character can be from a cartoon, TV show, Movie, Book!

Maximum Word Count 150 

Leadership, What is it?
What does leadership look like through your eyes? (home, school, workplace, community) 
What leaders have been in your life?
What does it take to be a leader?

Maximum Word Count 150 

Describe an event that impacted your life? How has this affected you?
How did this event CHANGE you/surroundings/ others?
Was the impact positive/negative ?

Maximum Word Count 250 

What are your goals/aspirations? What motivates you to achieve them?
We want to know what goals you have for yourself? (Academic/Educational, professional, short-term goals, long-term goals)
What/who inspires you to reach your goals?

Maximum Word Count 250 

What makes you angry and why?
What twitter hashtag gets you going?
What social movement do you follow?

Maximum Word Count 150 


Click HERE

if you are ready to apply 


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si estás listo para aplicar

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